Looks das Liars

Oiii, hj eu vim falar dos Looks das Liars.

~É um look bem simples, mas eu Amei a saia xadrez.
~O look ficou bem divertido por causa do sobre tudo Laranja.
~Este é um look ótimo para passear num dia de sol, Adorei o Colete jeans.
~Esse look com o vestido azul ficou mais formal , pois tem a meia calça preta.

Twiter: @Nat_Vaz


Written by -A

“You think the truth is this big shiny disco ball of purity then go ahead and try it. See what it gets you. Telling the truth to the wrong person at the wrong time is how I ended up where I did. Take it from me you’re always better off with a really good lie.” -Alison DiLaurentis

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